- Bring:
- own mug
- exactly €4
- hand-sanitiser
- mask
- Keep safe distancing (at least 1.5m)
- Do not attend if you feel unwell, are in quarantine or have been in a hot spot area
Guidelines to hashing during the Covid-19 pandemic
Hashers in general, and Munich hashers in particular, have a well-earned reputation for near super-human levels of fitness and health. Nevertheless we must recognise that the Coronavirus can exist in our Adonis-like bodies, without symptoms, and then go on to infect lesser mortals. The results could be severe or even fatal.
The Munich Hash House Harriers encourages responsible debauchery so if we are to hash during the pandemic we must all follow the guidelines below (which are our Hygienekonzept):
All hashers
- Don't come if you:
- have, or have had in the last two weeks, any symptoms of the Coronavirus - even mild symptoms. This can include a new, persistent cough, or high temperature. Whether tested or not please don't come (all tests have a false negative risk).
- have to self-isolate, been advised to self-isolate or have come from a country for which self-isolation is advised or required by the German authorities.
- feel unwell with other symptoms - if you are in the slightest bit unsure if you are well or not then it's safer that you don't come along.
- have underlying health conditions (respiratory, heart conditions, diabetes etc.). You are more at risk from the virus so again, it is safer for you that you don't come. If you're not sure seek advice from your doctor.
- Register - please let us know via the Facebook group, or email if you are coming. We need to know the numbers attending and how to contact you if one of us becomes Covid positive.
- Greetings - avoid shaking hands and, or hugging.
- Hash fees - please bring exactly €4 and place it in the Hash Cash's hash pot. If you only have notes then accept that you won't get change but the difference will be carried forward to your next run.
- Or you can transfer €4 to our PayPal account, - do this when you are approached by our Hashcash before or after the run.
- Drinks - don't share mugs or beer bottles.
- Circle - stand on the marks of flour around the circumference of the circle. Don't mingle with others.
- Down-downs - we no longer share mugs. Bring your own mugs (or cups). Before the circle starts grab a bottle of beer and don't share it.
- General distance - now is not the time to huddle up to people. Don't crowd the Biermeister's table at the circle. Keep at least 1.5m away from others at all times, including when running or at drink stops.
- Bag car - bring your bags to a spot indicated by the bag car owner (usually but not always our Biermeister) but do not all go to the car at once. The bag car owner will load the bags into and out of their car. Note that once in the car we won't be going back to it until the run is over. So make sure you have everything you need for the run before you hand it over.
- Masks - bring them with you (including on the run) and wear them as per latest guidance.
- Hand-sanitiser - please bring your own
- Prost/Cheers - do it English-style, that is, no clinking of glasses. Just raise your drink briefly in other people's direction indicating that although they exist you would rather concentrate on this tasty beer, thank you very much.
- Sneezing or coughing - do this into an elbow (one of your own).
- Authorities - keep up to date with German government guidance (e.g.
- Check the details for each event - we may need to specify different guidelines depending upon the situation.
- Avoid congested:
- start points
- drink stops
- checks
- circle locations.
- Drink stop - either provide more than enough cups or provide drinks which can be consumed whole by one hasher and not passed around.
- On-after - if you decide you wish to hold an on-after:
- check who will attend; don't be surprised if most won't
- make sure it's in a spacious restaurant because we don't want to have to squeeze into a small area
- check that the restaurant is still open.
- No-one will complain if you choose not to have an on-after.
- Get the Hare Razor or other mismanager to review your plans.
- Backup hare - try to get someone who can take-over if you suddenly become unwell or have to self-isolate. Ideally, this should not be a co-hare if you have been in close proximity to that co-hare.
Circle bunnies (RA, Biermeister, Biermeister's Bitch etc.)
- Might not provide snacks if this cannot be managed in a contamination-free way.
- The Biermeister will bring a chainsaw to use if hashers start crowding the bier crates. Not exactly hygienic but fun.
- The RA or other circle bunny will mark where people can safely stand around the circumference of the circle (if we have one) - keeping at least 1.5 meters apart
- The RA will ensure that the circle isn't too closed up and may well keep it short.
Abidance - if The Dude abides then so should we. Please follow these guidelines as they are important for you and others' well-being. The Munich authorities can impose severe fines if people are behaving recklessly. So, we may have to ask those who don't follow these guidelines to not come again.