
Data privacy

Informing us of your desire to attend this year's Oktoberfest (if it takes place) will really help us organise what is possible.

Under EU GDPR we are obliged to make clear to you how the data you provide in the form is processed by us and your rights concerning this matter.

This document gives the details around our processing of your data.

The registration form asks you to confirm that you accept the details in this document. With your acceptance we can progress the process of your interest in attending this event.

What information do we collect

We need to know just your Hash name, Kennel and email address. This will help us understand our options around this year's Oktoberfest

You may also indicate if you wish to have your hash name (and home hash) entered into our Who's Cumming/Who would like to Cum web page.

We also need to record that you have agreed to this data privacy policy..

How will we use that data

We will use the above collected information to:

  • decide on tent reservations and how we organise associated events
  • publish your attendance on our Who's Cumming/Who would like to Cum web page associated with the event


Who can see that data

  • All members of the mismanagement have access to this data and they may process it to fulfil your registration.
  • People who view the Who's Cumming/Who could like to Cum web page (potentially anyone in the world)


Where we will store your data

The data will be stored:

  • on Google Drive. Google have published their commitment to abide by GDPR but do not commit to keeping data within the EU.
  • our collaborative software tool samepage.io. This uses computing and storage in a North American data centre.
  • Mismanagement may also process your information on their own storage (e.g. when doing spreadsheet manipulation, emailing etc.).


When we will delete your data

We will delete data three months after the end of our potential event except for:

  • any data we are legally obliged to retain

Your rights

Under the EU GDPR you can, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., request:

  • the data we have on you.
  • that the data we have on you is deleted.
