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- Last Updated: 15 June 2017
A very good guide to haring (from Frogchopper of Geneva H3) can be downloaded here. Some of the markings are different than we sometimes use, but in general it's a great intro.
Tips for Hares
Firstly well done for volunteering to lay a trail!
The hash would not work without your help. The instructions laid out below are guidelines, but this is your run. If you want to do a themed run or have drink stops then speak to one of the committee and we'll do all we can to help. There are no rules, so if you want to change something, be my guest; just remember we're a mixed bunch, so try and consider everyone if possible.
Pick Your Location & On-After
Try and pick somewhere we haven't been to recently, the only restriction is it should be accessible to Munich public transport and have an area where we can circle up.
Preparing for the run
The main aim of the hash is for everyone to start and finish together, having run as far and as fast as they want. To do this you therefore have to either slow down the FRBs (Front Running Bastards) with loops, false trails, checks and beer stops or speed up the SCBs (Short Cutting Bastards) with short cuts. As a general rule, the more you piss off the fast runners, the better the run (and they secretly love it).
The Munich Hash views 50-70 minutes as standard. As a rule of thumb, it should take approx. 2 - 2.5 hours to walk the whole trail at a reasonable pace. Less than that and the run will be too short, more and it will probably be too long. If you look for the inner loop to be around 4 -5 km you won't go far wrong. Remember the fastest runners can run anything up to 12 km, where as the slowest can only manage 3-5km, the more loops, false trails and checks that send the FRBs the wrong way, the more likely the run are going to stick together. Many use www.mapmyrun.com to help them with this.
The Munich hash generally uses flour or chalk or a combo of the two. Hares have various preferences, but the most economical way is to use a flour-filled drinks bottle with a squirt nozzle. Most runs can be layed with 3-5 bags of flour. Brightly colored chalk works best for city runs.
The Recce
Every Hare MUST recce the trail in its entirety at least once. You might think you know the area well and Google maps gives you good coverage, but without recceing there are likely to be roadworks/hidden alleyways/road closures which could result in you laying the trail into dead ends or the pack running into other parts of the run.
Hares should NOT set their trails on bicycles. The trail-markings always end up too far apart, leading to "lost trails" and the hare often misses out on the best back-routes and alleyways; there's nothing like a good back passage!
Most people lay around 8 checks, they are best deployed at the edges of your runs.
False trails (FT or two long lines across the pavement) should be used if there is a danger of people discovering another part of the trail.
Regroups are sometimes used by hares to bring the group back together, but unless there is a specific reason to do so (beer stop etc.) you should try and avoid them if the weather is bad. If you think it is likely the pack will split, then try and lay more loops, false trails or shortcuts.
And if you can, try to never be too far away from the end at any time, it allows the slower runners or people injured/lost to head back if they want to.
Laying the Trail
It is best to set the run during the day several hours before the start of the run. If it is set the day before check the run on the day of the run (especially if it has rained since you set it). Setting a clear P trail from the tube station to the start is as important as a good trail.
Try to keep your markings on the right whenever possible to help runners be assured of the direction.
Co-hares SHOULD set the entire trail together. If due to time pressure the two co-hares decide that they will set the run in halves it is essential that:
(a) they agree common marking (right down to the size & shape of arrows);
(b) they agree the meeting point to within 5 metres;
(c) the meeting point should be mid-trail and not at a check (unless there's a really obvious physical barrier to prevent the pack getting confused e.g. a river or railway line).
The very last part of the run is the On-In. When you've brought everyone around and the final last bit of the way back is readily apparent, simply write ON IN on the ground and be done with it.
During the run
Hares SHOULD have spare chalk to give to FRBs so that checks get marked through.
Hares MUST mark the out-trail from the start clearly so that late-comers can find the start of the run easily.
During the run, the Hare and the Co-hare should make sure the runners are on trail.
Depending on the hares, it is best to have one towards the middle / front of the pack and one towards the back of the pack. If only one hare is going out, it is best that they stay towards the middle / back of the pack.
Encourage runners to call or use the horns and check out routes where necessary.
Mark all checks through for any latecomers trying to catch up and lay extra markings where deviations are possible.
The Hare and co-hare should remain at the finish until all runners have returned. If any runners have not returned within a reasonable amount of time, say 1 and a half hours from the Start of the run, then the Hare and co-hare with the help of available members should organise search parties since they know the area and the way round the trail. Fortunately this is rarely required.
The hares must coordinate with the Beermeister on the location of the down-down circle to ensure the beer car can park nearby and that there is room for a circle