
On the first day of February 2025, and hash date 897 in the fair lands of Munich, we all descended on to the King's place to try and find the King. As no one really cared about him and his second wife, the search was short lived and so it was declared that we would go hashing instead. 

 A pack size of 19 (and a dog) did not form an oblong, but they were told about strange markings they should follow to find the treasure. The most infamous graffiti artist, Baggy of the Snatch, had already had a run in with the Sheriff about her marking the local area and was now under watch.
And so, a pack size of 21 (late cummers) set forth over the four corners of Munich to conqueror their set quest.
No stone was left unturned.  The RA ventured to the local bar to quench his thirst with red wine and found the fair maiden Gone Flat. She was escaping from her newly married husband for the afternoon.
The walkers, lead by Smokie of the Stack used the oldest of maps to find their way to the place where the treasure was reported to be.  Alas, no treasure was found.
The Knights of the FRB started to arrive in waves with the Knights of the DFL bringing up the rear.  It was reported that two Knights of the FRB had been lost on trail and that they had been brave in their pursuit for the treasure. 
Eventually the treasure was located and the drinking commenced.
A toast was made and the fellowship carried on back to the place of the King. 
Here much merriment pursued with the opening of bottles and the eating of Tiramisu.  The young fair maiden SUBO making sure that no litter was thrown on the floor, even if accidentally and happened two seconds prior. One member of the Knights of the DFL fell foul to a stern word from the maiden, but as it does indeed take him longer than two seconds to bend over, he was justified in his verbal retribution. 
The two Knights of the FRB eventually came back. Afterwards they informed us that all was well in Austria and that the lands in the south were still in good order.
Baggy of the Snatch and fine Squire, Half Monty,  were please about this, as they have an interest in Tirol (and if anyone would like to assist in the searching of the lands for future quests, they head to Baggy of the Snatch with word)
So, now with 22 brave souls facing the coldest of evening, the circle was formed and the days punishment was distributed. Scribes were found and delightful singing voices were requested.   As non of the latter could be found, it was left to Poor Me of the Water and Smokie of the Stack to provide the songs.
It was announced that visitors from far and wide had came to PAY homage to the mighty Bottom of the Blower. And indeed they paid.
Likk' of the UM was the first to state his loyalty , with thanks for the invite he had received  for this day.
G of the BoF came out reluctantly, as he was unsure if he was actually a visitor or just returning.
The new maiden Just Almi and her guide F**K Checker had taken the long journey north from Italy, but still had a journey ahead of them to Frankfurt the next day.
It was declared that the two lost Knights of the FRB should drink for not being able to read the markings, or follow other knights on trail. Goat of the F**ker and Private  of the Sore As_s were held accountable for this.
There were a few points during the circle where your mighty scribe lost track of what was happening.  But it was all ok, because whenever this happened, the hares drank.
There was a slight predicament of Goat of the F**ker being a secret RA, but all he could tell us what that the southern lands were ok.
It was at this point in the evening that Likk' of the UM was approached by a local Reverse Merchant on his travels to the coast. The Merchant was not selling anything, but wanted Likk' of the UM to pay the merchant good money for it. Unfortunately Likk' of the UM only had his Swiss purse handy and so the transaction was rejected. The Reverse Merchant processed on his merry way, singing a beautiful song. 
The festivities carried on longer, with the mighty Bottom of the Blower being honoured for longevity as well as the young fair maidens SUBO and Flower of the Power receiving socks for having small feet. 
The fair maiden Gone Flat was congratulated on legally getting laid and was last seen heading in the direction of her dwelling to repeat her actions.
Motor of the Mouth was told to be quiet, as no one could hear what was happening over his chatter.
Just David of Dortmund was accepted into the circle as a virgin and Rain of the Bow and or Princess of the Park Whore quickly took away his virginity.
With the evening adventures coming to a close, it was time to look over Jordan (Katie Price) and see them rolling hills. ( look it up)
We all (1/2 of us) exited to the local steak house for the very best vegan food around. Topics were about the future of the Mismanagemnt (solved), shewees (paper or plastic), bushes, plastics eyes watching everything we do, as well as the normal drunken table dancing.
The drunken rabble were rejected from the restaurant around 10pm.
More adventures to follow.
G of the BoF.