
Here are the lists of who is coming to the 2025 German Nash Hash (last updated 09/02/25) ...

We only publish the names of those who have given us permission. Thank you to all who have already sent permission for me to add their names to the Who's Coming page.

If you would like us to add your name please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We would need to know your hash name, kennel and that you give us permission to add your name to this page.

The Coming and Registered tables below have the hashers' names in alphabetical order for your convenience (you're welcome).

The Edging table below that has the waiting list hashers' names in order of registration - first come, first served. We now have over 60 people on the edging (waiting) list, it's unlikely everyone will get lucky.

Normally I'm updating the table once a day in the (European) morning on Sundays.


Coming (paid up)

Hash Name Kennel
2.8 Seconds Århus H3
3 Shits to the Wind Sembach H3
AC Squirter Stuttgart H3
AC/DP Frankfurt H3
Anal Weiss Munich H3
Ausfahrt Sembach H3
B..M..W Munich H3
Bad Sex Stuttgart H3
Ban the Cock Asuncion H3
Belches with Wolves Frilly Knickers Küsnacht H3
Better Laid Than Never Sembach H3
Betty Boop Munich H3
Big In Japan London H3
Biggles Copenhagen H3
Black Cock Blocker Mount Vernon H3
Blew Loose Seal Prague H3
Blue Moon Stuttgart H3
Booby Snax Cha Am H3
Bottom Blower Munich H3
Broke Back Mount Me Munich H3
Bubbles Bergen H3
Bucket in my Mouth Frankfurt H3
Bulls Eye China H3
Bust Her Hymen Long Beach H3
But His Nut Sembach H3
Canada Wet Zürich
Captain Cummer Berlin H3
Careless Whispter Angleses City H3
Carniwhore Renegade H3
Chair Fucker Angleses City H3
Chatting Squirrel Braunschweig H3
Chemical Attraction Copenhagen H3
Chillbox  Munich H3
Chiquita Århus H3
CIA Houseton H3
Come Along Amsterdam H3
Contour London H3
Cunning Linguist C.R.A.P.
Cyber Sex Donkey Berlin H3
Dancing Queen Århus H3
Debbie Does Frankfurters Munich H3
Dirty Dancer Stockholm H3
Dirty Lobster Stockholm Underground H3
Divechicken Hamburg H7
Dork Subic Bay H3
Double Dutch Mountain Asuncion H3
Drag Queen Cha Am H3
Dumbo Subic Bay H3/Hannover H3
Dungeons & Drag Queens Frankfurt H3
E.T. Copenhagen H3
Easily Satisfied Sembach H3
Elephant-Fucker Subic Bay H3/Hannover H3
EZ Over Mermainds H3
Fit In Schritt Stuttgart H3
Flashman Hannover H3
Four'n'Twenty Inverness Sthlm/GH3
Fucking Intense Frankfurt H3
Full of Spunk Berlin H3
Glitter Valley Mutha Rucker H3
Goldietwat & The 3 Hares Venice Kilt H3
Great Balls of Fire Munich H3
Groin Biter Mermaids H3
Hanseatic Slut Frankfurt H3
Head Job Hannover H3
Hello Kitty Fucker Stuttgart H3
Herr Linguist C.R.A.P.
Hidden Asset Héraultics H3
High Octane Berlin H3
Hitman Århus H3
Horse Hannover H3
Hot Boobs Gothenburg H3
Hung Jury Héraultics H3
I Am Vajazzled Stuttgart H3
I Like Your Boobs Héraultics H3
Ice Hole Frankfurt H3
Ich Been Laiden Berlin H3
If the Glove Fits Come In It Sembach H3
Ingrid Larsson SPOR&DIC H3
Just a Handful C.R.A.P.
Just Claudia Hannover H3
Just One Hard Nipple Stuttgart H3
Just Period Braunschweig+Hannover H3
Just Phil Munich H3
Kiss Me I'm Gay Hannover H3
Knickerless Hamburg H7
Last Tango London H3
Late Commer Århus H3
Legolas Old Coulsdon H3
Like A Virgin Stuttgart H3
Liquorice Hannover H3
Little Shit Aberdeen H3
Loose Nutz Munich H3
Made 2 Cum Frankfurt H3
Massive Attack Århus H3
MC Stuggart DST
Meryl Strip Basel H3
Missionary I'm Possible Stuttgart H3
Mobile Dick Copenhagen H3
Moose Diver Schaffhausen H3
Motel 6 Inches Stuttgart H3
NFN Rebecca  
Niceboy Frankfurt H3
Nipples For Life Stuttgart H3
Not Out London H3
Octoberflesh London City Hash
Ossama's Been Hashing Paris and Sans Clue Hash House Harriers
Out of Africa Basel H3
Paprika Smiley Zürich H3
Peel A Penis Copenhagen H3
PhotoCopulator Stuttgart H3
Poor Me, Water Munich H3
Popolicious Berlin H3
Proxy Old Coulsdon H3
Purple Vein Sembach H3
Putin My Sister Sembach H3
Queen of Shots Hannover H3
Rack of Lamb Brussels Manneken Piss H3
Rongjon La Jolla H3
Rose’ Stockholm H3
Rough Rider Antigua H3
Scott Hamburg H7
Semen Commander Frankfurt H3
Sex Toy Hogtown H3
Sharnie Aberdeen H3
Short Fat and Black Berlin H3
Shortcatta Stockholm Underground H3
Silent P Berlin H3
Sir Lost A Lot Sembach H3
Skylark Frilly Knickers Küsnacht H3
Smokestack Munich H3
Smokey Pokey I Will Chokey Sembach H3
Snotty Hanover H3
Soaked Arse Århus H3
Something about Nipples Pikes Peak H4
Sparerib Snonad H3
Spiderman 🕷🕸👣 Århus H3
Square Head Århus H3
STD Corona H3
Strobe My Balls Stuttgart H3
Strok-E-Bear Hashersnottrashers H3
Sucks the Dick/Shoots the Dude/Scheiße Time Daddy Indyscent H3
Swans Frankfurt H3
Sweet Transvestite Venice Kilt H3
Swiss Butt-Cheese Little Rock H3
Tasty Piss FILTH H3
The Cockodile Hunter Hashers sans Frontières
The Whiz of the Hash Heidelberg H3
Titanic Seamen Hamburg H7
Toffifee Braunschweig H3
Tomas the Wank Engine Munich H3
Too Wet Stuttgart H3
Top Half Berlin H3
Touched by Boobies Berlin H3
Trippin Curry Goody Two-Shoes Etna H3
Trouble Brewing Brussels Manneken Piss H3
turd Little Rock H3
Unholy Nipples Mount Veron H3
V.D. Viking SPOR&DIC H3
V.v. Pattaya PH3
Veni Vidi Vittu Gothenburg H3
Victoria's Secret Vindobona H3
Weenie Bikini Frankfurt H3
Wet on Porpoise Munich H3
Whore Durve Frankfurt H3
Whore With No Name Frankfurt H3
Wicked Witch of the Wet Heidelberg H3
Worzel Gummidge C.R.A.P.
Yank Me Doodle Frankfurt H3
Yoron Weed Stuttgart H3
Zehner Bleibt Stuttgart H3


Registered (we're waiting on their payment then they are c-cu-cum-coming)

Hash Name Kennel
Pimpess Nairobi H3
Prodigal Daughter Port Harcourt H3 Nigeria


Edging (waiting to come, that is, on our wait list - hoping, snigger, to get lucky)

Hash Name Kennel
More On City of London
Martian Martron Marlow
Sauerkraut Bangkok Sunday Siam H3
Warri Wandering Woman Warri Hash House Harriers
Morning Latte Munich H3
Skippy Gonzales Schaffhausen H3
Double Top Cambrigde CH3
Lemmiwanks Berlin H3
Head Mistress Addis Ababa H3
The Gatekeeper Ceder Falls H3
Squeeze it till the last drop Nuremberg H3
Johnny A Schaffhausen H3
Put It Elsewhere Nuremberg H3
MTM Currently homeless
Erectus Maximus Ex-Munich H3
Cuddles 'n Cream Hurricane H3
Blue Willy Brussels Manneke Pis
Wasted White Sperm Pattaya Dirt Road H3
Lost and Found  Hannover H3
Yarkie  Brussels Manneke Piss H3
Rumple Brussels Manneke Piss H3
Eurocrap Brussels Manneke Piss H3
EAT HER Ottawa H3
Just Matthias Homeless
Limp Wrist Berlin H3
Soapy Dick Addis Ababa H3
Salmon in Uranus London City
Holey Dumpster Fire Boston H3
Slaphead Cambridge Cambridge H3
Just JeNN Frankfurt H3
Goldfinger Cambridge H3
Meatyouranalyst Frankfurt H3
Flash Princess Athens Greece H3
Corkscrew  Rocket Shitty H3
Chippendale Wastin' Away H3, Florida, USA
Kiddie Tampa Bay H3
Buffy Newcastle
Chum Bucket Communion Tidewater H3
Slip Inside Amsterdam H3
Headmasturbator Phnom Penh H3
Fuckimbo Sierra Hash House Harriers and Harrietes
Tastes Like Chicken (TLC) Sembach H3
Viktor Gladd Colombo H3
Doggy Paddler Oxford
Just Valentin Nürnberg H3
Le Pimp Nairobi H3
Token Prick Bella Napoli H3
Shit Creek  
Grease Frankfurt H3
Gypsy Rose Franfurt H3
Just Geoff Munich H3
Rainbow Warrior Nuremberg H3
Akage Vagabond Hasher
Ass Cream Sundae Baltimore Annapolis H3
SausageHead Nuremberg H3
Jezebel Nuremberg H3
EZ Lay Nuremberg H3
Missionary Impossible Sembach H3
PMS Hamburg H7
Nocturnal Mission Nuremberg H3
Symphomaniac Berlin H3
Chilli Hamburg H7